David’s hand went up when the teacher asked the class who could tell her about different beverages. David loved the kitchen. He would watch his parents cook whenever he could. So when the teacher wanted to talk about kitchen subjects, he was all in.
Today is the last day of the 28-day marathon I call Flash Fiction February. This is the 2nd time I’ve done this. I will do some more of these little stories before Flash August Fiction. The focus for me now is to work on getting my books ready for print on demand, and working on my Chronicles of The Last Gas Station series, for publication. Thanks for participating in your way. →ycr.info←
The teacher recognizes David. “What are your favorite beverages, David?”
“I like so many things, I don’t know about favorites, but sometimes my dad and I make egg creams.” He responds. “Those are good.” He continues. “He and my mom like to mix Champaign with different juices, like pineapple, orange, and peach. They have different names for those, like Melbas, and Mimosas.”
“Well that’s very interesting, David.”
“They mix a lot of things into that.” He goes on. “They have some orange flavored stuff, they put in there, and these other fruit ones, yeah, they’re really stinky things. And, they make other things too, like with cola and cherries, oh yeah, and they have this one with this stuff that looks like water, and they put this sweet lime juice in it and some slices of lime. They like those a lot. They do this one they call a sunrise, but they don’t drink it in the morning, it has three different juices and some stinky stuff, and it looks real pretty.”
The teacher interrupts him. “That’s fascinating Dav..”
“They have this one where they take some pineapple and grind it up and add coconut and some smelly stuff, and another one that has a lot of sugar and this lime tasting stuff, and they add the smelly stuff to that. There are so many.”
“OK.” The teacher says. “Let’s talk about other beverages, thank you, David.”
“You’re welcome!” David replies. “What about coffee? He will get a lot of coffee, then put in two coffee filters so it filters really slow. He says that makes it taste stronger, then he pours it into his cup and puts in two more spoonfuls of coffee, but the instant kind, you know, the kind that dissolves? Then he adds the thick sweet candy milk to that because he says that makes it go down easier. My dad likes to make coffee in the morning after they have been drinking the different things all night. He loves that, but he never lets me have any, he says it’s not for kids. I think a lot of drinks parents make aren’t for kids.”
“David.” The teacher says. “It’s time for you to let the other kids have a turn talking about different beverages.”
“OK.” David says. “But do you have any favorites.?” He asks the teacher.
The teacher replies. “I think have enough ideas to keep me busy for a while.”
The End
524 Words
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