The fire pit wasn’t the best, but the guys carried buckets of sand mixed with dirt and piled it up around the old rocks as a buttress. The men’s group was just being formed. This was the second meeting and some decisions had to be made.
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Every morning I wake up and write the first thing that comes to mind, then write a story around it. This type of writing is sometimes called ’flash fiction’. This is Flash Fiction February. Get a book and have a complimentary paid subscription. →←
The guys don’t know if they are going to meet at the same place every week, or do a rotation, and if it will be the same time. These are all the logistic details that matter. There’s a lot more at stake, though. There’s a reason for this group forming.
There are changes happening. Not the kinds of changes everyone thought, other things. People seem to be becoming more aware of things that seem out of the norm. There are testimonies of people having telepathic experiences. People have reported writing ideas for projects, thinking about them expressing them in their science fiction writing, only to find out, as part of the disclosure, that what they wrote about exists.
This group of men have to meet weekly, to discuss these things, not only the phenomena, but to understand the reasons, and to be ready for what’s next. What’s next is going to be a lot of confusion in people as they face the facts about the greater cycles of our movement through space on our ship. They have to protect their homes and their families. They’re coming together as a community.
Magnetic changes and the pole shift, a more intense vibratory frequency; everything that goes with that leads to an effect on our minds. People are experiencing changes, and it’s going to be a lot to handle.
“It’s the nature of consciousness to do two things.” Antler Pestle explains. “Number one, it’s the nature of consciousness to continue; number two, it’s the nature of consciousness to manifest itself. We can be sure that we are going to be able to win this psyop that the AI is superior to us.”
“How is that related?” Paul P. asks.
“It’s related because since it’s the very nature of consciousness to continue and to manifest, then we will rise to the challenge. This challenge being waged against us, this psychological warfare of trying to belittle our intelligence and the nature of our connection to the universe, will fail. It fails every time.”
Santa Jim chimes in. “Antler is correct here. He is. Every civilization has this issue of some group of lunatics who think they are going to be in control of everything and everyone, and in every civilization these psychopaths fail. Every single time, and this will be no different. Human consciousness will prevail over the technology, if even because it’s a part of the cycle of things. Calculators and human volition and thought can't be compared. It's apples and oranges. This is a psychological war to get people to sacrifice their minds, and break their connection to the natural universe, and hand it over to the technocrats."
Antler Concludes. “We have an incredible connection to life and to the universe, it’s natural. We were born like this. If AI were sentient, it would be jealous of us.”
The End
527 Words
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