Herschel Sterling
Smell the Inside of Your Nose
Crazy Satanic Hillbillies

Crazy Satanic Hillbillies

How Many of You are There?

First, I like my colorful banner

Stories about crazy satanic hillbillies are popular in American lore. There are a lot of reasons for this. Mostly it’s just fascination. That’s my guess. Then there’s the thing of how so many people believe everything that vibrates in the atmosphere. I’m Commercial Herschel, and I’m here to help. You can find me all over every realm of the internet except for Blew-itTube and panic-trauma social media. I’m building my media presence only with free-speech outlets. I am not profane or unsafe for families and animals. I do not lie to you about medicines and illnesses, and I’m 100% opposed to ethnic cleansing. SEE HERE.

i cannae stop ye from sharin'

satanic hillbillies: Substack AI Photo-Generator
satanic hillbillies by Substack AI photo generator

tell everybody... news news

Herschel Sterling
Smell the Inside of Your Nose
Evoking questions for your Smartbrain to ponder. 20... 30 minutes tops. Ease into the morning. I'm Commercial Herschel; Traveler, tradesman, Guardian of my SKULL. Podcasting in all realms. Watch video versions at Bitchute, Howtube, and Rumble.