Herschel Sterling
Smell the Inside of Your Nose
Sleepy Superposition

Sleepy Superposition

Traveling the Dreamy Multiverses

DAY TWO of Flash August Fiction. Wow. Last night, The topic of Quantum Cognition: Entangled Hearts and Dreams was a show and a half on

’s show the on video channels and discord, because it went on in my sleep after I conked out. I had so many dreams. Apparently this topic lends itself to that. I had decided last night that I was going to do today’s story about a situation where a person interacts with their multiverse counterpart. I’m doing that and including a dream element. But wow, check out this article, too: An Experiment With 100,000 Gamers Just Proved Einstein Got It Wrong... But seriously. I got several subjects for my Flash Fiction just from that one night of dreams.

I’m Herschel Sterling, and I’m here to help. You’re welcome.

Sleepy Superposition

Traveling the Dreamy Multiverses


“Where are my pants?” Roger can't find his pants. He's quite discombobulated after waking up on the floor of his bedroom. “What the actual aitch!?” He exclaims to himself. He's apparently had quite a dream.

He scampers around the room, looking for his pants. Tearing everything apart until he finds them, he shakes them and puts them on. He sits down at his computer to contact one of his gaming friends. He talks to himself as he puts on his headset. “What the heck happened last night?” He opens up his console and sends a text to his friend, Jory. “Hey, Jory, pick up?”

Jory sees the text and responds with a thumbs-up emoji.

“What's up, Roger?” He asks, using his headset.

“I just woke up, what the heck happened last night? Last thing I remember is getting home, and then I woke up on the floor. Anyone else get rufied or whatever?”


"WTF! That's messed up." Jory says. "I don't know, let me ask around."

"Thanks man. What in the actual aitch?!"

As he leaves Jory to his task, he tries to recount the evening. He's talking to himself.

"OK, I went over to Max's place, that's all I did. We hung out and talked about quantum entanglement and some weird shit about superposition. We did a couple of bong-rips. No one drank anything. I don't remember anyone having anything." Then we just got into the normal game theory and checked out some new software. We checked out a couple of processors online." After that, a few guys left, and it was just me, Max, and Jory. Then Jory and I walked home. Jory went in, and I walked the rest of the way myself. "The only thing I had was a soda, and I bought that on the way over to Max's."

Jory is calling Roger on the console, and Roger puts his headset back on. "Hey man, what are you hearing? He asks Jory. "I don't think it was anything like dosing or anything. Who would do that?" Jory asks. "The only thing I heard is that everyone was having crazy dreams last night." Everyone was talking about seeing other versions of themselves in their dreams, or things about multiverses and whatnot. "I really did too. It was wild."

"So did I." Roger said. "That's ridonculous how just having a discussion about some nonsense can give us dreams."


"Maybe it's not nonsense." Jory said. "Remember the thing Max was saying about how maybe the effect our brains can have due to the photons our nerves create, and we debated whether that could create a superposition situation since photons can be in two places at once. What if we all traveled to other places in our dreams where we interacted with our counterparts in other universes?"

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"I did see the other guys in my dreams, too." Roger said.

"Me too." Jory responded.

"What if we were all in the same dream?" We should look into that, but I don't remember much, and I can't figure out why my pants were off and I woke up on the floor." Roger said.

"That's weird, dude." Jory said. "Maybe you had a babe in your dream."

"I hope so," Roger replied.

"Then you'd know it was a dream, dude." Jory says. "AAAAAHHHH!"

Roger puts his hand on his pocket and realizes his phone isn't there. "Hey, I think I left my phone at Max's."

Jory responds, "No, dude, you were walking with me last night, and you were on it talking to your mom. I remember saying hi to her."

"You're right, it must be here, it must have flown out when that babe in my dreams ripped my pants off. Do me a favor and call me so I can find it?"

"Sure, dude," Jory calls Roger, after a minute, he responds "It says 'not in service'."

"What!" What the flip is going on today!?"What the actual aitch!?"

Roger stands up to start looking around for his phone. He plunges his hand into his pocket, where he usually keeps his phone. He feels something unfamiliar in there. "Hey bro, there is something definitely sus’ going on here."

Jory responds. "What do you mean?"

"There's this weird thing in my pocket, it's like plastic, and it's a disc. It's round, but it has a bulge on one edge. I have no idea what it is, where I found it, or how it got here. It has a couple of little holes in it."

The two of them decide that they need to get all the guys back together. They want to find out if the other guys had similar dreams, if they were all in the same dreams, and if any of the other guys had any blackout-type experiences. They all have time to do it right away. Everyone is home for the weekend, so they will all go to Max's place and talk. When Roger leaves, he decides to leave the disc on his desk because he doesn't know what it is. He thinks it might be a tracking device, and if there is someone harassing him, he doesn't want them to know he's going to be at Max's parents house. He's suspicious enough as it is. Before he leaves, he calls Jory.

"Jory, don't tell anyone about this thing I found in my pocket. Let's see if any of the guys bring it up in case they're in on it, maybe they'll slip up and mention it."

"OK, dude, that would be funny if they gave it away." Jory responds.

At Max's place, they all talk about their dreams and what was similar and different about them. They all explain the scenarios in which they saw themselves in other universes and the contexts in which they saw each other. There is nothing cohesive really, it's just a wild situation that they all say they will never forget, and they decide to create a quantum dream club to see if they can get a better handle on it. Once a week, they will all get together and read about quantum entanglement and discuss it and the possibility that the neural networks in their brains are emitting photons that create a situation of superposition.

They all also call Roger's phone to see if they can get the voicemail, and no one can, it just says it's out of service.

When Roger gets home, he wants to inspect the disc he found in his pocket. He goes to his desk to get it, and laying there, rather than the disc is his phone. He uses it to call Jory.

Jory picks up. "Dude, you found your phone!"

Roger responds, "What the actual AITCH!?"

The End.

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Herschel Sterling
Smell the Inside of Your Nose
Evoking questions for your Smartbrain to ponder. 20... 30 minutes tops. Ease into the morning. I'm Commercial Herschel; Traveler, tradesman, Guardian of my SKULL. Podcasting in all realms. Watch video versions at Bitchute, Howtube, and Rumble.